• +44 7403 555272
  • admin@rccgcityoftruth.com
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Christian Social Responsibility (CSR)
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Job Hunting Support

Our Job Hunting Support program is dedicated to helping individuals find meaningful employment opportunities. We offer resume building workshops, interview preparation sessions, and job search resources to equip you with the tools needed for success. Our network connects job seekers with potential employers, providing guidance and support throughout the job hunting process.

Education Support

Education is a cornerstone of personal and community development. Our Education Support initiative provides tutoring, and educational resources to students of all ages. We are committed to fostering a love of learning and ensuring that everyone has access to quality education, regardless of their background or financial situation.

Food Support

Our Food Support program aims to combat hunger and malnutrition in our community. We operate food banks, provide hot meals, and distribute grocery supplies to those in need. By partnering with local organizations and volunteers, we ensure that no one goes hungry and everyone has access to nutritious food.

Clothing Support

Through our Clothing Support initiative, we provide essential clothing items to individuals and families in need. Whether it’s winter coats, school uniforms, or professional attire for job interviews, our program ensures that everyone has access to suitable and dignified clothing. We believe that proper clothing is a basic human right and vital for personal well-being and confidence.

Support for Pregnant Women

Our Support for Pregnant Women program offers comprehensive assistance to expectant mothers. We provide prenatal care, nutritional guidance, parenting classes, and emotional support to ensure a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Our goal is to support women through this critical period, promoting the health and well-being of both mother and child.

Poverty Alleviation Program

The Poverty Alleviation Program is designed to address and reduce poverty within our community. We offer financial assistance, skills training, and entrepreneurship support to empower individuals and families. By tackling the root causes of poverty and providing sustainable solutions, we strive to create a more equitable and prosperous society for all.

About Us

We are a parish of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), a christian organisation that spread all over more than 100 nations of the world.

Contact info


Tel: +44 7403 555272

Email: admin@rccgcityoftruth.com